미국 주식 사이트 - 유용한 사이트 정리
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1. 섹터공부
가. 피델리티(Fidelity.com)
- (주기별 섹터 성과 확인) New&Research - Market§ors - Sector&Industries Overview - Performance
- (경기순환 사이트) New&Research - Market§ors - Sector&Industries Overview - Business Cycle – Review the most recent Business cycle Analysis
- (업종 PE 확인) New&Research - Market§ors - Sector&Industries Overview - Sector Fundamentals
Fidelity International Usage Agreement
You are visiting Fidelity.com from outside of the United States and you must accept the International Usage Agreement before you can proceed. This web site is intended to be made available only to individuals in the United States. Nothing on this site shal
나. 팩트셋(www.factset.com)
- (매주 섹터별 실적 전망) Insight – earning – read more - down load 최신 리포트 확인
* e-mail 등록 시 리포트 수신 가능
FactSet | Integrated Financial Data and Software Solutions for Investment Professionals
FactSet's flexible, open data and software solutions for the financial industry bring the front, middle, and back office together.
2. 재무제표
가. 야후, 구글 파이낸스
- 매출, 영업이익 및 순이익 파악
Yahoo Finance - Stock Market Live, Quotes, Business & Finance News
At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.
나. Stock row.com
- 최근 9년간 매출, 재무상태, 현금흐름 등 주요 지표 확인
* 종목 티커검색 - Snapshot
stockrow: News, Fundamental Chart, Financials and Stock Screener
33,854.00(29.00) (0.09%)as of
3. 종목선정
가. Finviz.com : 기업 펀더멘탈 스크리닝 기능
【종목선정 조건】 - 출처 : 미국주식으로 부자되기
① >= Large Cap (시가총액)
② PEG>1 and Forward PE<20 (섹터평균보다 Per낮고, 순이익 성장대비 저평가된 기업)
③ Operation Margin>=15% (영업이익률15%이상)
④ Sales growth past 5years>=10% (과거매출평균성장률 15%이상)
⑤ Roe>=20% (자기자본이익률 20%이상)
⑥ EPS growth next 5 years>=10% (향후5년간 주당순이익 연평균 성장률10%이상)
FINVIZ.com - Stock Screener
× Ever heard of Finviz*Elite? Our premium service offers you real-time quotes, advanced visualizations, technical studies, and much more. Become Elite and make informed financial decisions. Find out more --> Upgrade your FINVIZ experience Join thousands o
나. 전문가 의견 확인
- 팁링크(www.tipranks.com) : 종목선정의 종합적 사고
· 애널리스트, 헤지펀드, 기업 내부자들, 투자 블로거 등 전문투자자의 의견 및 투자심리, 매매동향 확인
TipRanks | Stock Market Research, News and Analyst Forecast.
TipRanks lets you see the track record and measured performance of any analyst or blogger you come across, so you know who to trust!
4. 포트폴리오 점검
가. 포트폴리오 비쥬얼라이져(www.portfoliovisualizer.com)
- 포트폴리오 선정 시 활용하여 연평균 수익률, 표준편차 등 확인
* CAGR:연평균 수익률 / Stdev:표준편차 / Max Draw Down:최대 하락폭
** 백테스트 시 벤치마크(QQQ) 설정 후 비교 및 시작시점을 2008년(금융위기) 이전 설정 필요
Portfolio Visualizer
Monte Carlo Simulation Run Monte Carlo simulations for the specified portfolio based on historical or forecasted returns to test long term expected portfolio growth and survival, and the capability to meet financial goals and liabilities. Monte Carlo Simul
5. 실적
가. 실적발표 일정(EarningsWhisphers.com)
- 실적(EPS), 매출, 시장 예측치 부합여부 등 ▸매도/매수 타이밍 활용
* e-mail 등록 시 수신 가능
Earnings Whispers
The only provider of real, professional Earnings Whisper numbers for traders and investors. Based on superior fundamental research that combines with sentiment data, quantitative studies, and technical analysis for a valuable stock price indicator.
나. 실적내용 확인(news.alphaStreet.com)
- 인포그래픽 형태의 실적 점검
AlphaStreet | Earnings Transcripts, Calendar, Infographics
Earnings Calls AlphaStreet's dedicated Earnings Call section is your one-source destination for all publicly listed earnings conference calls. Listen to CEOs/CFOs discuss their company's earnings reports while Wall Street Analysts ask (or grill) with their
6. 공시 (IR: Investor Relations) 자료
가. 10K 연간 사업보고서 Business 부분 확인
- 기업구조, 조직도, 자회사, 고객 등 확인(기업 이해)
SEC.gov | Company Search Page
Search Tools EDGAR Full Text Search New versatile tool lets you search for keywords and phrases in over 20 years of EDGAR filings, and filter by date, company, person, filing category or location. CIK Lookup Find a company or person EDGAR filings by their
7. 기준금리 변화 및 정책 확인
가. FOMC(연방공개시장 조작 위원회) 회의록 확인(공식 홈페이지)
The Fed - Federal Open Market Committee
Please enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser or access the information through the links provided below. About the FOMC The term "monetary policy" refers to the actions undertaken by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve, to influence t
8. 기타
가. 배당정보(dividend.com) / 배당킹 정보(Marketbeat.com)
- 배당률, 배당락일 등 확인
Knowing your investable assets will help us build and prioritize features that will suit your investment needs. Knowing your AUM will help us build and prioritize features that will suit your management needs. Knowing your AUM will help us build and priori
MarketBeat: Stock Market News and Research Tools
11 minutes ago | May 3rd | 2021 12:34AM Russia, facing lags, turns to China to produce Sputnik shots TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Russia is turning to multiple Chinese firms to manufacture the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in an effort to speed up production
나. ETF(ETFdb.com) : 상장지수펀드(테마, 지수형 등) 종류
ETF Database: The Original & Comprehensive Guide to ETFs
ARKF, the dominant name among actively managed fintech exchange traded funds, defines fintech innovation “as the introduction of a technologically enabled new product or service that potentially changes the way the financial sector works.” Obviously, o
다. 주요 경제지표(econoday.com)
- 매월 금리 인상, 인하 정보 등 경제지표
Economic Events and Analysis
Econoday’s suite of enterprise solutions enable financial institutions, online portals and providers of market information to effectively communicate with customers, reach new audiences and provide increased value with event-driving economic content and
라. 주요 원자재, 상품, 외환시장(investing.com)
- 달러 인덱스(DXY), 채금금리(bond market) 확인
Investing.com - Stock Market Quotes & Financial News
Investing.com offers free real time quotes, portfolio, streaming charts, financial news, live stock market data and more.
9. 국내 증권사 해외 리포트 확인 : 리서치 센터
* 애널리시트 보고서 검색 Tip : 구글 “기업명 filetype:pdf” 키워드 검색
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